Shabazz The OG started his career early in the music business as a rapper and radio station intern in high school. From there he propelled into promotions, artist bookings, road management, and ultimately project manager and consultant.
Shabazz always felt his life, and means of support would revolve around the entertainment industry. But as we know, “Sometimes we don’t find our purpose. Our purpose finds us”. He quotes.
Much to his own surprise, Shabazz discovered that his purpose in life is to give. By way of offering his life’s experiences and collected wisdom, to those who know him or not, via his social media platform.
Shabazz has used social media as a vehicle to delve into the lives of people who needed to hear his messages. At times that proved to be critical for some. And for others, it was simply refreshing to hear someone echo their same sentiments on where we stand as a culture and society.
From his platform, Shabazz has entered the community and spoken in over 15 facilities and institutions to date. And has been the featured guest in numerous interviews.
His aim is to continue sharing, motivating, encouraging, uplifting, and educating. While remaining available to actively instill morale, confidence, and accountability to all whom he encounters along his journey.
